Issue #1 - Overexposed
Shoot Film UK 2016
41 International Artists
176 Pages


Stanwick UK Film Type: Fujifilm C200 Camera: Olympus AF-10 Point and Shoot (50p Charity Shop find) Instagram: @robtstanier

Stanwick UK Film Type: Fujifilm C200 Camera: Olympus AF-10 Point and Shoot (50p Charity Shop find) Instagram: @robtstanier

Kadzidlo, Poland, Mazovian District Film Type: Ilford Delta Camera: Pentacon SIX TL Instagram: @jablonska_marlena

Kadzidlo, Poland, Mazovian District Film Type: Ilford Delta Camera: Pentacon SIX TL Instagram: @jablonska_marlena

Moscow, Russia (Underground) Film type: Agfa vista plus 200 Camera: Zenit 12ca/xp

Reservoir Batak, Bulgaria Film type: Kodak Colour plus 200 Camera: Zenit 12ca/xp

Location: Vila do Conde, Portugal. Camera: Fujica half frame. Film:Fujifilm 200. Instagram: @inesmarinho_

Liverpool Mamiya RB67 Pro SD Kodak Portra 400 Instagram @tomreees

Liverpool Mamiya RB67 Pro SD Kodak Portra 400 Instagram @tomreees

"Partaking in the local car treasure hunt, I was driving through village back roads in a car full of shouting family members. We didn't win, but I think finding this happy pink clad biker was the best treasure to be found." Camera: Canon EF, "aka the black beauty." Film: Superia 200

These images have all been taken on the Canon EF 'black beauty', a camera I bought in a incredible little film camera store in Vienna after inheriting 4 mint Canon lenses from my late grandfather. I use slightly out of date superia 200 film that I bought 60 rolls of in bulk for very cheap!

Location: New Delhi, India Film: Ilford Delta 100 Camera: Chamonix 045n-2 (4x5 large format) Instagram: @randhir_rsap

"Part of a series It's palm to say goodbye" Location: Jubalcoi, Spain, 2016 Film: Kodak - 200ISO Camera: Nikon F3

"Part of a series It's palm to say goodbye" Location: Jubalcoi, Spain, 2016 Film: Kodak - 200ISO Camera: Nikon F3

Location: Wroclaw, Poland Film type: Fujicolor C200 Camera: Kodak KB 10 Instagram: @alicja.kielan

Location: Wroclaw, Poland Film type: Fujicolor C200 Camera: Kodak KB 10 Instagram: @alicja.kielan

"Long Day's Journey" Location: NYC Film: FujiFilm NPH 400 Camera: Holga

Sarkis Kasparyan (1912-1970) Painter, born in Eskisehir, Asia Minor. Location: London Camera: Mamiya 645 Film: Fujicolor PRO 400H

Zadik Marderosyan (1893-1975) Gunsmith, born in Izmir, Asia Minor. Location: London Camera: Mamiya 645 Film: Fujicolor PRO 400H

Sydney, Australia Fujifilm 200 Pentax ME Super

Sydney, Australia Fujifilm 200 Pentax ME Super

Street Sleeper London Olympus MJUii Fujifilm 200

Untitled Bol, Croatia. Contax T2 Kodak Portra 400

UK/Romania Kodak Portra Film Hasselblad 500C/M

UK/Romania Kodak Portra Film Hasselblad 500C/M

Shot on a Polaroid sx70 with impossible film.

"They tell me there's ghosts, but all I can ever see is a blinding light." Location: Sheffield. Shot with my SX-70 using Impossible Project black & white film.

"Peek-a-boo. Location: Sheffield. Shot with my SX-70 using Impossible Project black & white film.

Location: Scotland Camera: Minolta SRT 101 Film: Kodak Portra 400 @amyfilmphoto

Location: Scotland Camera: Minolta SRT 101 Film: Kodak Portra 400 @amyfilmphoto

Location: London Camera: Polaroid SX-70 Film: Impossible Project PX100 B&W film Twitter/IG: @merrimayhem

Manchester, UK Film: Fuji Velvia Camera: Olympus Mju II & Image @iamelegia

Manchester, UK Film: Expired Impossible Project B&W Camera: SX-70 Sonar One Step @iamelegia

Location: Nottingham, UK Camera: Minolta ST101

'The Claw' Shenyang China, 2015. Contax 645. Kodak Portra 400.

San Francisco, CA Expired Polaroid Chocolate film Polaroid 360 Land Camera Instagram @hpolleyphotography Twitter @sfphotogirl

San Francisco, CA Expired Polaroid Chocolate film Polaroid 360 Land Camera Instagram @hpolleyphotography Twitter @sfphotogirl

"A hurried lens change on my Mamiya 645 meant that the aperture lever on the body hadn't engaged with the lens. I only twigged what had happened when the shutter stayed open for what seemed like an age!. The negative scan took a lot of recovering, but ironically the Bride thought this was one of the nicest pictures of the day!" Shot on Kodak Portra 400 pushed to EI800.