Issue #2 - Home
Shoot Film UK 2017
35 International Artists
148 Pages


From the series “Hic et nunc” - South Italy Camera: Fujifilm Zoom 70 Film: Kodak Colorplus 200 Instagram: @giacomoff

From the series “Hic et nunc” - South Italy Camera: Fujifilm Zoom 70 Film: Kodak Colorplus 200 Instagram: @giacomoff

"My friends make me feel like home and it’s so cliché, but I’m always coming to them after nine months of not seeing each other. My small piece of home." Camera: Zenit 12ca/xp Film: Lomography 400 Location: Chernolik, Bulgaria

"I adapted 35mm film into 120mm camera and my eyes can’t stop observing. Home is in there, somewhere." Camera: Holga 120CFN Film: Lomography 400 Location: Russia

Rob says - "Taken on a RolleimatF - 10 quid Ebay find with Agfa Vista 200 film (a £1 at Poundland). This one was taken looking through the fence from our front yard into one of the neighbours gardens. Though it represents a typical UK home it also has an eerie feeling for me. As if the kids who were playing there had suddenly disappeared, leaving their toys etc mid flow."

'The Taps'. Inside shot of the The Taps pub in Lytham that was almost my home in my late teens..hmmmm.

'Back Home'. Kev my childhood pal had just returned back home to Blackpool after living down South since the mid seventies and found me still here so we went for a walk on the beach with his 2 dogs to catch up.

Canon AF35M Fuji Superia Instagram @annabergold

San Francisco, CA ILFORD HP5 Diana Toy Camera Instagram @danielgrantphotography

San Francisco, CA ILFORD HP5 Diana Toy Camera Instagram @danielgrantphotography

"It's an auto-portrait of sorts and it invokes a strong sense of privacy and routine that can only be experienced at Home." PENTAX MX 400ISO Fujifilm Superia London

'Tokyo' Fuji film 200 Canon AE-1

'Moment in between' Color explosion 100 Adox Canon AE-1

"Taken at my flat in Glasgow. The soft autumn light trickles in during an afternoon of hibernation. My dog watches out the window and bed is hard to get out of." Camera: Canon EF, "aka the black beauty." Film: Superia 200

"Shot on expired Spectra film by Impossible Project, this was the first in my 'Monsters' series. This series was about going back home to where I grew up and revisiting places that had important memories attached to them - primarily bad memories (hence the title). I was trying to put some monsters to bed by going home and facing them."

"Shot very recently at home where I live now using Kodak Ektar in a Zenit E. It encapsulates the feeling of safety I have in my home, after having had that taken away from me due to a bad experience. It captures the sense of happiness I feel in having regained that sense of sanctuary."

"A few hours before my older brother got married. Shot on a Nikon L35 AF with Ilford HP5 400ISO"

Kodak Portra 160 Mamiya 7 II Instagram @peter.spurgeon

Kodak Portra 160 Mamiya 7 II Instagram @peter.spurgeon

"Every summer – since I was a little girl, my parents, my brother and I used to drive with the car all the way from Germany to Greece to visit our beloved relatives, every year for four weeks. Summer for me has been always the feeling of security and endlessly supremacy. I remember every dress of my grandmother, every corner of our old house, every grape-vine and all the dusty umbrellas in my grandpas garden, which were at least as old as himself...

I had to wait every year for it to become summer, to be where my heart felt free - this place, in this time with the smell of wild oregano bushes means home to me." Olympus MJU ii Agfa Scala Plus 200

Venetian Riviera, Italy Instagram: @_allykg Twitter: @AlyssaPhotoUK

Venetian Riviera, Italy Instagram: @_allykg Twitter: @AlyssaPhotoUK

Devon, Alberta Canada Minolta Autocord Portra 160 Instagram @landonspeers

Devon, Alberta Canada Minolta Autocord Portra 160 Instagram @landonspeers

Home to me isn't a city or a town or even a house. Home is when I'm on the road with her. Home is living out of a camper van, not knowing where we're going to end up. Home is driving all day and still making each other smile. Home is having all your belongings packed into the back of a van and never knowing where anything is. Home is waking up on the beach one morning and on top of a mountain the next. Home is travelling the world with my girl.

Phoenix, Arizona 35mm Contax Range Finder Kodak Ektar 100

Phoenix, Arizona 35mm Contax Range Finder Kodak Ektar 100

‘The Entropy Garden’ "The images were shot on expired medium format film using a Bronica sq-a. The prints were subsequently submerged in the garden pond to allow the garden and it’s wildlife to ‘modify’ them with a patina. These images show the subsequent prints after submersion." twitter - @Mara_Photo Instagram - @acomam

‘The Entropy Garden’ "The images were shot on expired medium format film using a Bronica sq-a. The prints were subsequently submerged in the garden pond to allow the garden and it’s wildlife to ‘modify’ them with a patina. These images show the subsequent prints after submersion." twitter - @Mara_Photo Instagram - @acomam

Taken on Ektar 100, with a faulty Olympus OM-10 Brean beach, Somerset

"Family in Turin" Rollei RPX 400 Leica M6

"Kitchen" FP-100C, negative reclamation Mamiya RB67 Polaroid Back

"Looks like an impression, but it is an expression. Is this captured momentary and transient effect of sunlight and nature my home? I do not know as I see it very subjectively and through my emotional experience, but certainly it has a physical reality." Camera: AGFA Agfamatic 4008 Film: Lomography peacock x pro 110 film

"I’ve spent most of my childhood there. Between high, yellow and grey blocks of flats. Now, every similiar area brings to my mind all blurry moments of playing hopscotch beside the beater, rollerblading around the playground, sound of intercom. I remember shouts of those who were too lazy to go up the stairs, they have always been heard even on the third floor."

"I’ve spent most of my childhood there. Between high, yellow and grey blocks of flats. Now, every similiar area brings to my mind all blurry moments of playing hopscotch beside the beater, rollerblading around the playground, sound of intercom. I remember shouts of those who were too lazy to go up the stairs, they have always been heard even on the third floor."

New York, NY Nikon F3 Fuji 100 negative

New York, NY Nikon F3 Fuji 100 negative

"The word 'Home' reminds me of my grandparents who are celebrating 60 years together this year; it also reminds me of their back garage, covered in stuff collected my grandad, which he still uses everyday, and the little corner where my grandma hangs her fresh and clean clothes." Location: Italy Camera: Hasselblad 500C/M Film: Portra 400. Instagram: @castellorossella