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Issue #4 - Open Theme
Shoot Film UK 2017
20 International Artists
82 Pages
Artist Submissions:


Will my work be included in issue #4 when I submit?Issue #4 will be curated slightly differently to the first three issues. When you submit images to Issue #4 'Open Theme' your work will be displayed on our site but is subject to a juried decision whether or not it is then collated into the final publication.
Can I submit more than two images?No, sorry. As with all open calls we request just two images from each artist. This will help keep publication designs clean and tidy and allow equality in the final output.
I don't have PayPal, can I still submit?"Yes of course! It is possible to send payments through PayPal without an account with them. Simply follow the payment link in the open call and follow the steps. If you still struggle please visit the paypal support page.
How will I know if my work has been chosen for the final publication?Once all submissions have been received and the final deadline has passed, we will then begin the selection process. We will then notify all sucessful contributors if their work has been selected to appear in the final publication.
What if I submit my work then change my mind?No problem, although we cannot offer refunds for submissions we are happy to work with you and swap the submitted images at any time before the deadline.
The first three open calls were free, why is there now a submission fee?"We dedicate a lot of our free time to the upkeep and promotion of Shoot Film UK, this includes website maintenance, artist uploads and promotion and general graphic design of the site and publications. As Shoot Film UK enters its second year with a large community, continuing to expand the reputation of the platform means we also want to condense the content, producing a clean and professional aesthetic and offering our visitors consistency in the material we showcase. By requesting a small submission fee we will be able to continue the support and promotion of analogue photography. The fee will also encourage contributing artists to truly consider their submissions before sending their work to us, which will in turn ensure they are serious about how their work is represented within the current theme of each open call.
I have a few different ideas for a series, what should I do?"That's great! We can only offer one roll per artist at the moment and the main idea is to help photographers strengthen their work and expand their portfolio professionally, meaning condensing ideas and focusing on a single series. Think about what's possible, plan realistically and by all means contact us to share your ideas, we'd be more than happy to help you make that choice / design a series plan and proposal.
Is there a deadline for submitting proposals?No, there's no deadline for 'My 24exp Project'. We will be running the project indefinitely and we look forward to collaborating with suppliers and labs to offer more and more film and services as the project expands!
What happens to the roll of film when I've finished?All artists get to keep the film. Shoot Film UK will initially post it out to you, then it's up to you to shoot the roll and send it to the lab. When you're sending the film to be processed be sure to put your own address as the return address. All we want to see are the images you've created. You get to keep the negatives in your personal archive, just send us the prints/scans that you've asked the lab for. Remember to get creative and experiment! Read the PDF Information sheet for more information.
Can I apply on behalf of another person?Sorry, no. We can only accept proposals from the artist shooting the roll of film, in order to keep it fair and also make sure people are serious about the project. Please feel free to share the project if you think someone might be interested but they must apply themselves.
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