Featured Artist: Michael Behlen
Artist: Michael Behlen
Location: Fresno, CA
Portfolio: www.dontshakeitlikeapolaroid.com
Instagram: @michaelbehlen
Featured Project: Searching for Stillness Vol II (Special Preview)
Michael Behlen is a photography enthusiast from Fresno, CA. He works in finance and spends his free time shooting instant film and seeing live music, usually a combination of the two. He has self- published two Polaroid photo books “Searching for Stillness, Vol. 1” and “I Was a Pioneer,” literally a boxed set of his instant film work. He recently had work shown at Tête de L'Art Association's Group ExPolaroid Exhibition, "Polaroid Is Not Dead #2" at Hôtel Pasteur à Rennes in France during the month May 2017. He has been published, been interviewed, and been reviewed in a quantity of magazines and online publications, from” F-Stop” and “The Impossible Project Magazine” to “The Film Shooter’s Collective.” He loves the magic sensuality of instant film: its saturated, surreal colours; the unpredictability of the medium; it’s addictive qualities as you watch it develop. Behlen is the Publisher of PRYME Editions. www.prymeeditions.com
Artist Statement:
They say that "If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph". (Quote Unknown) I think this is an incredibly insightful statement. I definitely write the story of a man who is trying to find something that is lost in everyday modern life. I think that encompasses my personal freedom that I have willingly lost by making a variety of increasingly responsible decisions that benefit my life in the long term, but in the short time depress me and traps me into a self made box. I try to escape these feelings of entrapment by finding special places in nature that allow me feel alive and free. With this, I would love to say that I create images in a certain way with a specific intent; however, that statement would be a lie. I don’t have anything esoteric to offer with my photography. What I do have are quick 1/60th of a second stories that gives the viewer a glimpse into a rare moment of stillness of my ever changing mind. The art of photography is my way of meditating and becoming one with my machine of choice, a Polaroid Camera.

SFUK: Tell us a little about yourself and your background in photography.
MB: I started shooting digital photography in 2006 and became a live music and wedding photographer. In 2013 I abandoned digital and have shot purely analogue film since then.

SFUK: Why do you shoot film?
MB: I love shooting instant film because of the magic sensuality of it: its saturated, surreal colours; the unpredictability of the medium; it’s addictive qualities as you watch it develop.

SFUK: Who inspires you, any favourite people or places you frequently go to for inspiration?
MB: I use photography as an outlet to fuel my creative side. I work in a finance office so I need an escape. I often go camping, backpacking, and wander through nature with my camera to find inspiration.

SFUK: How would you describe your style of shooting?
MB: I would describe my self as a traditionalist. I am not reinventing the wheel with my images. I am simply searching for the stillness that is provided through the viewfinder. I am looking for symmetry in the wild to bring some into my own life.

SFUK: Do you have a favourite camera or film stock you feel compliments your work?
MB: My favourite camera is the Polaroid SLR680 and my favourite film is Impossible Project Type 600 Speed Film.

SFUK: Do you have any plans for your next project?
MB: I am currently working on my book Searching for Stillness Vol II. I released Vol 1 in 2013 and have become more and more obsessive over perfection. It should be out this December.

Keep up to date with Michaels's work at www.dontshakeitlikeapolaroid.com

Thank you.
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